News from Ethiopia – 200 Scholarships from 2022 onwards

We are happy to announce, that we just concluded the new scholars (beginning Nov. 01 and January 01):

Summary: up to now we sponsor
124 Girls (contin.)
20 shoe shine boy (contin.)
10 former children from our Children´s Home (cont.)

New with a time lag due to Corona... 21 female students (from Grade 7 onwards), beginning November 01.
The nurse / midwife program faced a delay. The College had been closed because of Corona and re-opens only now. The new 25 nurse trainees will start beginning of January 2022.

EDGET proudly announces 200 (all in all) scholars from Jan 1 onwards. Thanks to all donors and please forward our details to friends, so that we can increase the monthly allowance in the long run! The inflation rate stands at around 20% and life is getting more and more expensive. Thanks in advance. The picture shows a group of girls in our Children´s Transitional Home reveiving gifts at the ceremony of New Years Eve in Ethiopia (September 11).