Situation in Hawassa

We received comprehensive information about the situation in Hawassa. After dramatic days in Ethiopia the shutdown of Intenetconnection is over. The good news or Hawassa: People remember the multi-ethnic composition of the people in town and formed a steering committee of members of all ethnic groups to provide support for the poorest inhabitants in town. The Covid-19-problem affects more and more inhabitants from Hawassa. The LOCKDOWN is the real problem, considering the fact that Malaria and diarrhoea is still ongoing and increasing. It is a good idea to provide further support. In particular cooking oil is needed. Please donate.

Our children and youth are fine. The children from our children´s home receive online courses to proceed with schooling. The GIRLS Program is more than ever a success story, as 160 families get support through our help. Our partner organisation still believes in the PM Abiy... Motto: Unity in Diversity.