
The LIVE, LOVE & LEARN (LLL) street children home existed since 2010, has been closed 2022. Up to 30 had been accomodated in a Children´s Home. They were looked after by two home mothers/cooks, two social workers, two teachers for after-school lessons and a sports teacher who coaches the children on Saturdays. A psychologist and a nurse come once a month, and at other times if needed.

Our motto: Live, Love & Learn.

As a result, all the children visited a good private school and most of them have worked their way up to places 1-5 in the pupils’ performance ranking. With reliable rules applying to all the pupils, our children have acquired a high degree of emotional and social competence in addition to their good marks.

The children stayed in the LLL house until they had a decent place to live outside the house. Integration was first priority. After finishing school they switched to the scholarship program or to a vocational training course. In some cases it proves possible to integrate the children into what remains of their families before they finish school. The scholarship program or a business training course offered in combination with a micro-credit are used as means of support, if required. In most cases, the social worker continues to look after the children. Once individual children have been successfully integrated, the funds available will be used to support the area which is the root for most of the street children. We identified Gorche as one of the poorest areas around the regional capital. Here school support started in 2018.

At a glance

  • The house existed from 2010-2022. It closed at the end of 2022.

  • Good teaching at private schools with certificates on completion

  • Two home mothers, one social workers and two teachers

  • Goal: re-integration in what is left of their families still continues via our sponsorship scheme

  • After finishing school: university or vocational training with guidance
    (transfer to scholarship programme)

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